
Interface for an estimator of Gibbs free energies. Module Contents

class enkie.estimators.gibbs_estimator_interface.GibbsEstimatorInterface[source]

Interface for a class implementing estimation of Gibbs free energies

abstract get_dfg0_prime(S: numpy.array, metabolites: List[enkie.miriam_metabolite.MiriamMetabolite], parameters: enkie.compartment_parameters.CompartmentParameters) Tuple[enkie.commons.Q, enkie.commons.Q][source]

Estimates the standard Gibbs free energies for a reaction network

  • S (np.array) – n-by-m stoichiometric matrix of the reaction network.

  • metabolites (List[Metabolite]) – A m-elements list describing the compounds in the network.

  • parameters (CompartmentParameters) – The prior for the physiological parameters of each compartment, such as pH and ionic strength.


A tuple, whose first element is the vector of the mean estimate, and the second is a square root \(Q\) of the covariance matrix on the estimation uncertainty \(\Sigma\), such that \(QQ^\intercal = \Sigma\).

Return type:

Tuple[Q, Q]


NotImplementedError – An metaclass does not implement methods. Please use an implementation of this interface.